My All Time Favorite Brushes💙//+✨BONUS✨ Texture Brush
In this brush pack you'll find my favorite Procreate brushes💖 that I use a loooooot for sketching and linework.
The set includes:
✏️ ReBKs Sketch Pencil: a delicious textured brush that I like to use for rough, quick sketches
✏️ ReBKs Pencil 2B: a soft, slightly textured brush, ideal for more detailed line art and cleaning up rough sketches
✏️ ReBKs Crispy Pencil: my absolute favorite for clean line art
✏️ ReBKs Soft Brush: smooth, soft brush for smooth line art or sketches
✨BONUS: ReBKs Pepper: my favorite texture as the icing on the cake for all my drawings
✨ For Procreate only! ✨
You may:
- use the brushes and textures to create your personal artwork, or sell an unlimited number of final products of your artwork
You may NOT:
- sell, share or redistribute the files, individual brushes or textures or sets (as is or modified)
- copy, modify or alter the brushes or textures in any way and then sell or share them anywhere
- claim the brushes or textures as your own
If you have any doubts about the license and what is and is not allowed, just contact me and I'll be happy to help you! 💙
My 5 all time favorite brushes (for Procreate) that I use daily.